Three easy content ideas to kickstart your newsletter
Deciding to set up a regular newsletter to engage with customers and prospects was easy. You probably started with a hiss and roar, and putting together your first few issues was a breeze. However, content ideas have dried up, and you’re starting to panic about this month’s edition. Creating attention-grabbing headlines and stories month after month is a challenge even for seasoned pros. Here we make the process a bit easier as we share three easily implemented ideas to kickstart your newsletter.
1. Learn from industry peers
An excellent place to start is to explore what the competition and industry peers are talking about on social media. Following popular industry hashtags or key influencers can highlight a host of current trends and issues.
And what works for the competition may also work for you. However, be sure to put your own stamp on your newsletter content. Rather than simply repurposing what others have already said, take the opportunity to showcase what makes you special.
2. Use timely tie-ins
There are hundreds of national days, public holidays, and annual events to inspire you when creative juices are running low. For example, World Book Day is celebrated annually on April 23, and World Environment Day on June 5. There’s even an International Coffee Day on October 1. Use calendar tools to identify special days relevant to your audience and publish content that ties in.
3. Content topic generators
There’s a host of online tools to check out when newsletter ideas are hard to come by. Use BuzzSumo to explore topic or keyword-related high-performing content. And HubSpot and Portent will help you come up with a catchy headline for your newsletter story.
Say, for example, you have identified ‘content marketing’ as a trending topic. Use BuzzSumo to find out about the most popular content. And HubSpot or Portent will help generate an engaging title. How about ‘why everyone is obsessed with content marketing.’ Often these online tools are all that’s needed to spark that creative energy.
Coming up with a sustainable stream of newsletter content ideas can be daunting. However, these simple tools will inspire when you need it most.
And if you’re still struggling with newsletter stories, get in touch with us here at Write Solutions. We’ll take care of it for you.